W302... I remember the various leaders who had been with me since I came... The ppl whom I've worked with before... Khen Theen, Jelaine, Selena, Joseph, Edwin Chen, Gerald Wu, Morgan, Shaun, Jean, Kevin, Wanyun, Laiyin, Gerald Tay, Jav, Rick, Shen... Even as Ken started to take this cg, it was not easy at first as some of the ppl dunno who he was!!! Hahaha... But things have changed, as Ken takes up ownership of the cg and plan and pray and led this group for the past 3 years, our lives have been changed during this process... Ok ok, enough of reminiscing the past... Here we go...
Ken: You're the best... Haha... Nvr fail to remind me who is the best cgl... My partner in the cg... At times, when things and situations seem to overwhelme me, u'll be there to ensure that I'm still on the right track, pulling me back to see things from a bigger perspective... And overcoming my situations with me... My best cheerleader n supporter... Luv ya lots...
Yan: hugs to my dearest sister... Even as you move on to another cg, dun be sad. Know that the things which you can do are beyond the sky. Dun limit God... For He can do great things with and for you, be open to changes.
You know, when Ken asked to guess which cg who will be in, I told him that i believe that yan will move on to another cg... And i was right. In the past 3 years, you've given urself for the vision of ur leader. Even in the new cg, give urself to ur new cgl n support her yeah? Know that u'll be able to reach greater heights in ur new cg... Keep in touch... Huggies...
Yuanxing: u're the siao kia who will talk to me into the nites abt the things in the cg, ur ministry, ur dream... Haha... Nvr will I imagine that u will become one of my closest fren in the cg... To think that u were my student!!! Whaahaha... Nvm... but dun call me ms seet le la... That's history... Heh... Anyway, just wanna tell u to cont to stay teachable... Even as u thanked Ken, it doesnt mean ur life is going to be w/o any more thorns... in fact more will come... Hahaha... as u overcome one, u can overcome many more. Yeah, i'll cont to nag at u... Be a GENTLEman... Be more meticulous... Until u become a lamb... Wahaaha..
Kgoon: U came across to me as one who is so intellectual... When u just joined the cg, i was so stressed by u cos u'll ask bombastic questions... Wow... Was really impressed by your quest to know God, to understand Him... Even as you move on, know that we're all running the same vision together... Hope that I've imparted some stuff to ur life too... Hahaha... So all the best... Be the pillar in the cg, someone whom ur cgl can depend on you... Yeah...
Dennis: Always look up to u... You're so independent... Able to survive here alone but yet not give up on urself... So many ppl have come n gone but u chose to trust in God... You always care for the ppl ard u, taking care of their needs and ensuring that they are not lost. So inclusive... You'll go far... Dun be limited by ur own mindset or thinking... Dun be limited by the time... Sleep less if the need arises, God will give u the strength to go thru each day. Even as you are going to graduate next year. Know that u'll do great things for the glory of God! :)
Laimeng: Hahaha... You're always so cheerful n liven up a place wherever u go... Amazing... Thanks for being the sis doing things together with me... Know that I can always trust you to get things done... Be open to changes, last min changes... hahaha... Be available... N u can do greater things for God too...
Tammy: U're quiet but yet able to be so noisy at times... Hahaha... A really sweet gal, one whom i can trust to get things done too... Hee... Thanks for being there always... Be more outspoken, no fear... Over the past few years, you've grown to do greater things for God... Cont to practise ur guit... God can make u become a great guitarist... :) Stay pretty n sweet ya? Heh...
Ruixiang: Are u still in NS? Hahaha... You're always out... Always able to strike up a conversation with everyone... One who doesnt sleep a lot as well... Haha... Always looking for avenues to serve... A brother who can be depended upon... Best!!! Yeah... Vjruix rocks... Heh...
Changyan: U're the youngest in the cg, but yet the most serving person around... Cont to seek the Lord, but dun neglect ur studies... Plan and work for a bright future. You need the education to survive in Singapore... So dun play too much, work hard and achieve good results 1st... Then you can be a person of influence! :)
Weijun: you're a rock... Even in NS, you're nvr wavering. Thanks bro for being a pillar in this cg... Even in the new cg, cont to be a pillar too... So faithful, so accountable... God will make a way for u as you cont to entrust Him with ur life...
Yuna: You have changed too... In the past few years, even as you learn more abt the word of God and trust Him more... You have become more cheerful... Made more friends... And more importantly, your perspective of life has changed to become more positive. Continue to be moudable and God can bring you to places! :)
Yuze: A designer... One who sacrifices sleep for the dream which has shown him... Cont to stay focussed. Know that as you put God 1st in all that you do, you can do greater things for Him... Be an influencer in ur school!!!
Isaac: A brother you can trust on to pray for you. One who tirelessly seeks the Lord... Even as you move on to another cg, cont to be the prayer warrior there. Move on, dun keep looking back like Lot's wife. Be teachable and quick to change... God is going to bring u up to another new level... So be open to changes, be availing like how you've always been. Make new friends and be an inspiration for them!
Jan: A man not limited by his physical abilities... One who is hungry for God and will go all the way to meet God. Bro, continue trusting in God to bring you to do greater things for Him. Dun limit God... He is beyond what you think He can do for you!!! Jiayou, as you grad next year, things are going to get exciting!!! Hee...
Yuhao: A funny brother... Haha... Nvr endless things you can talk man... Hahaha... As you serve tirelessly in ur ministry... Dun forget that being part of a cg, you have a role to play in the cg to. Cont to avail urself, but not forgeting the lives of the ppl you can influence in the cg. Have the desire to impact the lives of ppl in ur cg like how the lives of the kids are changed under ur care. You make a good shepherd. Cont to pray for ppl ard u, touch lives and save them...
Weilie: Even as you hunger for God, know that He will honour u... Got to know you better when I gave you bs... You are so hungry, wanting more... Cont to stay this way... He will bring you to places... Cont to seek Him 1st... Press in!!! Believing with you for the salvation of ur family!!!
Zhixing: One who leads a very discplined life... Cont to put God 1st in ur life and He will do great things in ur life... Enrich your life, get out there and do things which u enjoy... Life is more than just school, books n cca... You live only once, live it to the fullest!!! :P
Runling: You've been in this cg for less than a year? But you're always there... Hahaha... Can depend on you to turn up... One who quietly sows, just like ur bro... You're a pillar in the cg...
Tsoonliang: Gt to know you slightly better as I start giving you bs... Continue to press in, be hungry for Him always... Read the word, pray daily... These are the basic things which a Christian do. You have the potential to do great things for the Lord. Dun be limited by the situation you are in. Know that God is with you and you have the victory! Cont to grow and learn from ur leader, ya? :)
Siewling: You've been with us for more than a year le... Dun be limited by ur circumstances or be ruled by ur feelings ya? Dun limit what God can do in your life. My greatest desire is to see you growing strong in the Lord. Planted in church and a cg... Always trusting God to open up doorways for u... Helping you through the things which you're going thru...
Alvin: Even as you have just started to join us. And as we mulitply into the new cgs, you will grow too, under the care of ur cgl. Cont to seek the Lord, love Him and trust Him. THen ur life will be full of adventures too. Do not worry abt anything, know that the Lord your God will provide for you! :)
Xiangxuan: You've been one who had ran the race together... Hope that you can come back n be planted in the cg and the church... Always acknowledge what God has done for you. But know that He can do even greater things thru ur life, only if you allow Him to...
Huixin: Hope to know you better as the days go by... Cont to trust God and He will turn things ard... Will be praying together with you... :)
Pavi: Hope you will come and join us more often... One day, you will get to know our God and become part of this family. Running this vision together with us.
Everyone else who have come to join us in our outreaches:
Come back and join us whenever you're free... Although the ppl in the cg may not be the same, but all of us are fun ppl... Hahaha... YEah, so we welcome u back and hope to see you soon!!! :)
So I think I didnt miss anyone out rite? Just wanna say... No matter which cg you're in. Know that God has a great plan for u. Cont to seek Him and be hungry for Him, and He will grant you the desires of your heart. God is a God who is beyond what we can think He can do for us, so dun limit Him, dun limit what He can do in your life!!! All the best and keep in touch!!!
Oh ya, my books out there... Pls return me my books if you've borrowed... Unless you havent finished reading, then just let me know... And to Juner, thanks for lending me ur books... I've finished 2... The last one still halfway thru... Return them to u soon... Thanks!!! :)