Sunday, September 30, 2007

In NUS now...

While waiting for Ken, I decided to blog...

Today had svc, was serving... Then went for blood donation and then fellowship with the cg before coming to NUS to find Ken... Then later going for dinner with Ken's family...

Had great fun fellowshipping at BK at raffles city... On the way down, we kept talking abt u in diff cg le, u shld go and sit somewhere else that kind of jokes, etc... I feel it's good to like prepare ourselves for the change... But I feel somehow that the cg is closer now... It's feels like 6 more days, let's spend more time together... I cant bear to part with u.. I didnt know that i needed this person in the cg so much... I didnt expect this bro or sis to be in a diff cg from me... All the true colors start coming out... Suddenly everyone becomes so appreciative... Hahaha... Agree rite? Who booked seats for u? Huh? huh? Hahaha...

Yep, but just thought of sharing this... In the new cg, whether still under Ken or nt... It's a new CG altogether. We need to learn to work within our new cg... Support the CGL and run the vision that he/she has for the new cg... Whatever prejudice or misunderstandings against anyone, throw it away... In the new cg, it'll be a new start. Dun go to the new cg with the same mindset. Looking the replacement best fren, etc. God will bring you into a new envt. A new group of friends who will run another leg of the race with you. So dun keep looking back and get stuck in where u are today... Move on cos the things which God is going to do in your life is going to be so exciting, so so so exciting... Yep... So let's pack up our feelings... And gear up to a new start, Amen? Let's be good members, supporting our cgl and not just that... All of us shld aim to become good helpers... Best helper in the cg... Amen? :) LEt's work towards it together...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Short post...

I need to get back to work le... Faints, it's 451pm le... The day almost gone le... Just wanna say a big thank you to those who celebrated my bday!!! Really blessed, got financial blessings too...

Dinners after dinners, 2 necklaces... Nice... a bottle of perfume... One earphone on the way... a new bible.. 1st eng bible tt's a present!!! Haha...

My laptop no batt le. Starting posting the entries when it was 100%!!! Now only 4% left... Needa go charge it le... See u all soon.... Bye...

W302, this is for u...

W302... I remember the various leaders who had been with me since I came... The ppl whom I've worked with before... Khen Theen, Jelaine, Selena, Joseph, Edwin Chen, Gerald Wu, Morgan, Shaun, Jean, Kevin, Wanyun, Laiyin, Gerald Tay, Jav, Rick, Shen... Even as Ken started to take this cg, it was not easy at first as some of the ppl dunno who he was!!! Hahaha... But things have changed, as Ken takes up ownership of the cg and plan and pray and led this group for the past 3 years, our lives have been changed during this process... Ok ok, enough of reminiscing the past... Here we go...

Ken: You're the best... Haha... Nvr fail to remind me who is the best cgl... My partner in the cg... At times, when things and situations seem to overwhelme me, u'll be there to ensure that I'm still on the right track, pulling me back to see things from a bigger perspective... And overcoming my situations with me... My best cheerleader n supporter... Luv ya lots...

Yan: hugs to my dearest sister... Even as you move on to another cg, dun be sad. Know that the things which you can do are beyond the sky. Dun limit God... For He can do great things with and for you, be open to changes.
You know, when Ken asked to guess which cg who will be in, I told him that i believe that yan will move on to another cg... And i was right. In the past 3 years, you've given urself for the vision of ur leader. Even in the new cg, give urself to ur new cgl n support her yeah? Know that u'll be able to reach greater heights in ur new cg... Keep in touch... Huggies...

Yuanxing: u're the siao kia who will talk to me into the nites abt the things in the cg, ur ministry, ur dream... Haha... Nvr will I imagine that u will become one of my closest fren in the cg... To think that u were my student!!! Whaahaha... Nvm... but dun call me ms seet le la... That's history... Heh... Anyway, just wanna tell u to cont to stay teachable... Even as u thanked Ken, it doesnt mean ur life is going to be w/o any more thorns... in fact more will come... Hahaha... as u overcome one, u can overcome many more. Yeah, i'll cont to nag at u... Be a GENTLEman... Be more meticulous... Until u become a lamb... Wahaaha..

Kgoon: U came across to me as one who is so intellectual... When u just joined the cg, i was so stressed by u cos u'll ask bombastic questions... Wow... Was really impressed by your quest to know God, to understand Him... Even as you move on, know that we're all running the same vision together... Hope that I've imparted some stuff to ur life too... Hahaha... So all the best... Be the pillar in the cg, someone whom ur cgl can depend on you... Yeah...

Dennis: Always look up to u... You're so independent... Able to survive here alone but yet not give up on urself... So many ppl have come n gone but u chose to trust in God... You always care for the ppl ard u, taking care of their needs and ensuring that they are not lost. So inclusive... You'll go far... Dun be limited by ur own mindset or thinking... Dun be limited by the time... Sleep less if the need arises, God will give u the strength to go thru each day. Even as you are going to graduate next year. Know that u'll do great things for the glory of God! :)

Laimeng: Hahaha... You're always so cheerful n liven up a place wherever u go... Amazing... Thanks for being the sis doing things together with me... Know that I can always trust you to get things done... Be open to changes, last min changes... hahaha... Be available... N u can do greater things for God too...

Tammy: U're quiet but yet able to be so noisy at times... Hahaha... A really sweet gal, one whom i can trust to get things done too... Hee... Thanks for being there always... Be more outspoken, no fear... Over the past few years, you've grown to do greater things for God... Cont to practise ur guit... God can make u become a great guitarist... :) Stay pretty n sweet ya? Heh...

Ruixiang: Are u still in NS? Hahaha... You're always out... Always able to strike up a conversation with everyone... One who doesnt sleep a lot as well... Haha... Always looking for avenues to serve... A brother who can be depended upon... Best!!! Yeah... Vjruix rocks... Heh...

Changyan: U're the youngest in the cg, but yet the most serving person around... Cont to seek the Lord, but dun neglect ur studies... Plan and work for a bright future. You need the education to survive in Singapore... So dun play too much, work hard and achieve good results 1st... Then you can be a person of influence! :)

Weijun: you're a rock... Even in NS, you're nvr wavering. Thanks bro for being a pillar in this cg... Even in the new cg, cont to be a pillar too... So faithful, so accountable... God will make a way for u as you cont to entrust Him with ur life...

Yuna: You have changed too... In the past few years, even as you learn more abt the word of God and trust Him more... You have become more cheerful... Made more friends... And more importantly, your perspective of life has changed to become more positive. Continue to be moudable and God can bring you to places! :)

Yuze: A designer... One who sacrifices sleep for the dream which has shown him... Cont to stay focussed. Know that as you put God 1st in all that you do, you can do greater things for Him... Be an influencer in ur school!!!

Isaac: A brother you can trust on to pray for you. One who tirelessly seeks the Lord... Even as you move on to another cg, cont to be the prayer warrior there. Move on, dun keep looking back like Lot's wife. Be teachable and quick to change... God is going to bring u up to another new level... So be open to changes, be availing like how you've always been. Make new friends and be an inspiration for them!

Jan: A man not limited by his physical abilities... One who is hungry for God and will go all the way to meet God. Bro, continue trusting in God to bring you to do greater things for Him. Dun limit God... He is beyond what you think He can do for you!!! Jiayou, as you grad next year, things are going to get exciting!!! Hee...

Yuhao: A funny brother... Haha... Nvr endless things you can talk man... Hahaha... As you serve tirelessly in ur ministry... Dun forget that being part of a cg, you have a role to play in the cg to. Cont to avail urself, but not forgeting the lives of the ppl you can influence in the cg. Have the desire to impact the lives of ppl in ur cg like how the lives of the kids are changed under ur care. You make a good shepherd. Cont to pray for ppl ard u, touch lives and save them...

Weilie: Even as you hunger for God, know that He will honour u... Got to know you better when I gave you bs... You are so hungry, wanting more... Cont to stay this way... He will bring you to places... Cont to seek Him 1st... Press in!!! Believing with you for the salvation of ur family!!!

Zhixing: One who leads a very discplined life... Cont to put God 1st in ur life and He will do great things in ur life... Enrich your life, get out there and do things which u enjoy... Life is more than just school, books n cca... You live only once, live it to the fullest!!! :P

Runling: You've been in this cg for less than a year? But you're always there... Hahaha... Can depend on you to turn up... One who quietly sows, just like ur bro... You're a pillar in the cg...

Tsoonliang: Gt to know you slightly better as I start giving you bs... Continue to press in, be hungry for Him always... Read the word, pray daily... These are the basic things which a Christian do. You have the potential to do great things for the Lord. Dun be limited by the situation you are in. Know that God is with you and you have the victory! Cont to grow and learn from ur leader, ya? :)

Siewling: You've been with us for more than a year le... Dun be limited by ur circumstances or be ruled by ur feelings ya? Dun limit what God can do in your life. My greatest desire is to see you growing strong in the Lord. Planted in church and a cg... Always trusting God to open up doorways for u... Helping you through the things which you're going thru...

Alvin: Even as you have just started to join us. And as we mulitply into the new cgs, you will grow too, under the care of ur cgl. Cont to seek the Lord, love Him and trust Him. THen ur life will be full of adventures too. Do not worry abt anything, know that the Lord your God will provide for you! :)

Xiangxuan: You've been one who had ran the race together... Hope that you can come back n be planted in the cg and the church... Always acknowledge what God has done for you. But know that He can do even greater things thru ur life, only if you allow Him to...

Huixin: Hope to know you better as the days go by... Cont to trust God and He will turn things ard... Will be praying together with you... :)

Pavi: Hope you will come and join us more often... One day, you will get to know our God and become part of this family. Running this vision together with us.

Everyone else who have come to join us in our outreaches:

Come back and join us whenever you're free... Although the ppl in the cg may not be the same, but all of us are fun ppl... Hahaha... YEah, so we welcome u back and hope to see you soon!!! :)

So I think I didnt miss anyone out rite? Just wanna say... No matter which cg you're in. Know that God has a great plan for u. Cont to seek Him and be hungry for Him, and He will grant you the desires of your heart. God is a God who is beyond what we can think He can do for us, so dun limit Him, dun limit what He can do in your life!!! All the best and keep in touch!!!

Oh ya, my books out there... Pls return me my books if you've borrowed... Unless you havent finished reading, then just let me know... And to Juner, thanks for lending me ur books... I've finished 2... The last one still halfway thru... Return them to u soon... Thanks!!! :)

Multiplied Finally...

Yep yep... After almost 3 years of being together, we finally multiplied... There's a happy and sad feeling to it... But it's for growth... Looking back at the time when I was multiplied into E198 til now. Things are no longer the same... And I am no longer the same. The closest friends I have now are still those from E198... In W302 for the past 3 years, working with Ken to take care, mould, inspire and challenge all the different ones... Lives being changed and ppl doing great things for God. Life is exciting...

In this new group, things will no longer be the same... I have once again step out of my comfort zone to touch lives once again... And this is going to get uncomfortable.... But this is how God is going to increase my capacity... During the past week, it's been like a roller coaster week... I sent my files in for partner to review and then i took leave on wed to celebrate my bday and then on thurs, i didnt sleep in order to rush work out... Cont working on fri n then went for the multiplication cg part 1... at the end of the day, when ken announced which cg each person was in... I was ok, cos i already know where i'll be... hahaha... i knew i'll stay with Ken la... Yep... But this doesnt mean that life will be cruising from now on... It's time to once again arise and put my hand to the plough... With my increased workload in office, increased responsibility in nursery and my family, as my sis goes into Uni next yr in jul... Things will not be as simple as it seems... I can just see the things which are coming... And not forgetting the building fund which is coming in 5 weeks!!! Wow wow wow!!! Time is really no enough... Went out with Shen, yun n jean after cg last nite... a gd time of catching up and fellowshipping... Had fun... these are the ones who have gone thru my tough times in uni with me... growing stronger in the Lord together as we go for GOTP together... Now, everyone's in a different cg, but when we meet together, it's so nostalgia... hahaha... everyone's moving into a diff phase, as the guys are going to grad next year... who knows what life will be aft that... and even aft we get married and stuff, will we still be best of friends? No one knows the future, in my part, i can only keep my dearest friends in prayers...

was thinking who was my best friend in the cg... it wasnt easy to decide... I admit that in this cg, i didnt really commit myself to touch lives... Even as I look back, everyone in the cg saw me as boss' gf... It was easy to gain respect cos of Ken... But I wanted ppl to see me as me... A position that's mine... not on 'borrowed respect' and i threw myself to my ministry... Availing myself, taking up more responsibilities upon myself... Indeed God is good, I was promoted as the svc IC during the year... And I see myself as a 'cgl' over my members and my team ICs are like the core helpers... I always try to impart things which I learnt in cg, from Ken n aunty to them...

Now, even as I step into the new cg... I know that i need to touch lives in my cg as well as this is where God has planted me. No doubt that I still need to work n take care of my helpers in nursery and my family... But I just know that I need to press on, trust God more. As I look back at the end of next year. I know that my God is with me and the things which He has enabled me to do will be much much more than whatever i can achieve now. I need to be super efficient as the peak is coming... I need to be super duper efficient if i want to serve God during my spare time... I want to be known as Huiqin in the cg, not ken's gf... not that i am not proud of being his gf, but i want a name for myself... haiz, dunno if I'm getting across...

In the past few years, so many ppl have come to joined us and many have left us as well... Not wanting to run this vision together, unwilling to change and all sorts of reasons... At this point of time, even as I stop to evaluate myself, i thank God for the friendships I have made here... Ppl I can trust, depend on and always there to support me. and not forgetting some siao kias who are willing to do things which a person in a normal state of mind will nvr do... Hahaha... The sleepless nites which we had cos my my bright ideas, supper, sending ppl off at the airport... Hahaha... Wanted to type a msg for everyone... Hmmm... Maybe in my next post, this post a bit long le... Hahaha... Yep, maybe after i publish this post, i'll click new post again... Hee... So bye n come back n read the next post ya? It's dedicated to ppl in W302... Yeah...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

So blessed...

Had 2 more celebrations since the last time I blogged... My cg and the nursery leaders celebrated for me last sun... Was just thinking if I did not become a Christian back then, what would my life be like? My bday will be celebrated by my family only... And I wouldnt have all these friends ard me now...

So really blessed by what my friends have done for me. Got a new bible, a top, a necklace... Hee... I know the rest are on the way cos I smart ma... Hahaha... No la, I answered someone's call to Ken n something just tells me that she wanted to ask him wat I want... Hahaha...

But looking back, I really thank God for bringing me to where I am today... SO many loving friends who I can depend on and who will keep me company to eternity!!! Hahaha... U dun like the friend next to u??? Change him now!!! Hahaha...

Yep yep... Was on MC yesterday, so slept n slept til 1+... Then somewhat recovered... Accumulated fatigue... Then went for lunch, then went to find dennis n teach him guitar... Not me la, Ken taught... They had fun trying the new worship song... Then we flew down to airport to pick his mom... Then went home for a while before going to miramar for buffet dinner... ate til so bloated... then went home n sleep... Didnt sleep well... Woke up like every hour... Faints... Think too full le, then hot and everything... So tired today... Haiz...

But I think i gaining weight le... Sat nite went for yin's n gerald's wedding dinner, then sun nite went for dinner with the nursery gals n their parnters... Then last nite buffet dinner at miramar... Faints... This coming wed i going out with ken, that's tml... Heh... dunno wat he planned also... Then sat going with my family for dinner and Sun with Ken's family... Wa!!! Sure need to lose weight after that...

But so blessed... My friend was commenting... Wa, u got so many ppl to celebrate ur bday for u!!! I was thinking, yep, u be a christian, and u'll have lots of friends to celebrate for u le... Hahaha...

Friday, September 21, 2007

Great day starts with positive confession...

Was so happy last nite... Finished the things which i set out to do. I managed to submit my file for the PIC to review... Then finish typing the stock list for aunty and managed to go find her and pass her the stuff before going for zm at riverwalk... Managed to even eat dinner before that... Haha... And the donuts... Yummy... Kekeke...

And was just thinking back, why was it possible? just in the morn, i literally dragged myself out of bed and then i decide to believe that it'll be a great day, and it was really a great day! God is good!!! He turns things ard...

And during zm last nite, jeremy talked abt the 5 diff kinds of mindset... And I was so excited cos I could identify with the childish mindset... Like trying to siam responsibility? This is one area which I wanna improve on and God is speaking to me abt this at this pt of time... I was so excited... Cos it's like so in line lo... Wow!!!

So I decided i need to do something abt it. Everytime the siam-ing feeling comes, I got to tell myself - Satan get thee behind me!!! Yep yep... Not easy... but i know that God will not give me something which i cannot bear... So I will face it head on from now onwards... God, help me...

Even as I pray for increased capacity, for strength to go through this coming year... I really hope that I will be able to sustain all the things that need to be done. I know that at the end of this period of trials and tests, I'll emerge stronger... As I go through this process, I'll trust God more, my faith in God will increase, my relationship with the ppl supporting me through this time will become stronger and closer as well... I look forward to the result and for now... It's back to the process... Got to work le... Ciaoz...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Great Day ahead!!!

That's what I hope it is... Actually so sleepy.. Hahaha... Just zonked out on the cab here... Zzzzzzzzzz......... Hahaha... I think I'm really tired le... Need a rest man... Last week worked til too late... This week havent recovered from that...

But hope that today will be a short day... Hmmm, but I'll reach home late... Haiz... The fatigue is going into my bones, a bit achy... Hahah... Dunno got this word or nt... Was working last nite when i reached home, did like less than an hour then started dozing off... Can imagine how tired i was huh? USusally at nite I can just work til 1am, 2am then go sleep. Last nite at 11+ i was dozing like sleeping le... Hahaha...

Then this morn really struggled to get out of bed, was praying that God will take away the fatigue and literally dragged myself out of bed... Heh... Managed to leave home ard 815... Then caught in bad jam... So zzzzzzzzzzz.... Hahaha...

But prayerfully i can finish wat i wanna do today... So sleepy... Hope God will restore my strength... Couldnt finish wat i supposed to do last nite, so need to go do now... Cant wait for my break to come... Need a rest badly... This weekend also siong, next week also... Faints... back to work for now...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

For records...

I went back to my older posts... Realised I started on the 2000pcs jigsaw on 16-Jul-07... It was completed last sun -- 16-Sep-07... 2 months exactly... Yep... So just wanna record this down... Wahahah... Anyway, this is my 100th post... Hahaha... I think i siao le, high... Too tired le... Start serious work le... Bye...

7 more days...

I wonder wat i'll be doing then... probably here too... at client's place... i wanna eat the champagne cake... my fren recommended... so i wanna try... the one at swiss bake... hmmm... then was telling ken i wanna go omni theatre also... so long havent been there... Heh... dunno wat they screening now...
later i go check...

no mood to work... Haiz... my babysitter mgr replied!!! Yeah... So happy, hopefully she'll help me... If nt i jialat le... tired... need a break... it's coming soon... need to study...

Yep... here's the photo... We finished it... put in the last piece together... Heee... So happy... Then now it feels so weird, like there's nothing to do together... hmmm like normally, we'll watch tv and do the puzzle, then now nothing to do le... feels empty... Hahaha... Ok... Got to start work le... Think today will be a great day.. Going to meet ken later during lunch to get the BS book from him later... Then after work meeting yuhao for BS and then meet aunty to do stock take of the things in JW church... Gtg...

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More things I want...

I want a light that allows me to read books at nite... Cos I share room with my bro then he sleeps early... Then i usually read before I sleep... Story books, text books, bible... They're under my pillow... Heh, can go check, see what book I reading now...

I want earphones... Those can coil back one... The one my sis gave one side no sound le... I dun want those that cannot coil back one... I wanna put in my pencil case, so that I can use when I working... Heee....

Children's day... No plans yet... The kids also dunno... Hmmm... I think dunno leh, we still discussing... See how... How's 'my jigsaw' coming? or plan aborted? did u use my name???


Finally, can get to update... Yep, at client's place today, so can blog... Wahahaha... Hmmm... Oh ya, Adeline... She was sharing abt the show Evans Almighty... In one part of the show where God appeared to the wife of 'Evan'. He asked her when you pray, you ask God for patience, do you think he will give you patience? Or an opportunity to have patience? If you ask for family bonding, do you think God will give you unity in the family? Or a chance to have family bonding? So think twice... When you ask God for increased capacity... Be prepared to go through some tough times... This is so that your capacity will be increased!!! Yep... Just parts of the show and my thoughts... So be encouraged, even as you go through a time which is not so easy, not so comfortable... Know that this is temporary and it'll be over soon. And you're a conqueror as you've made it through...

You know, even as I start on my new role, learning the new things and how to manage my time better, i really thank God for His guidance and strength. I used to be very "siaming"... Like try to siam when arrows start flying... Or think of an escape route... Like to the extent where I'll go take MC... But I come to realise that this is not what I'm supposed to be doing... God has given me the opportunity as I pray for increased capacity... And I'm supposed to be exceling in the things which He has given to me to be done... So... I need to change my whole attitude... A conquering attitude... Everyday as I wake... I remind myself that this is one area I need to overcome... And the reason i need to stay one more year in this job is cos God wants to mould this area of my life... I know it... But it's tough... We're always looking for the easy way out... Try to siam jobs, assignments...

But on the other hand, God doesnt mean to have us to volunteer for everything... Cos we still dun have the ability and capacity to do them all... But do take on more responsibilities (as the Spirit leads)... Cos this is so that our capacity and faith in God increases... This is how... God gives you the opportunity to increase ur capacity, not increased capacity... Through a period of moulding process, your capacity is increased... Dunno if anyone understands what i saying... But hopefully some will... Hahaha...

Have a great week ahead!!! See ya soon...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

1st celebration

Just celebrated my bday today... Hahaha... Cos nursery celebrates once a month and so happened to be today... I got to know that got bday celeb from sally this morn... Then the gals all acting so funny today, passing the card ard to be signed, trying to nt let me know, but it's so obvious la... THen the more you try to hide? the more obvious it is lo... Hahahaha... It's like yue miao yue hei... But really thanks for the effort n the cup... It's so sweet...

So happy today... I finally finished the jigsaw... The 2000 pieces one... Finally... Cant rem when I started... Hahah... Think more than a month le... Was difficult man... Ken n I put in the last pc together... Heh... It was so exciting... Hahaha... But we broke it up into segments and put back into a box... Think not framing them up yet cos no space to put, at least in box easier to keep...

Then we thought abt our new house... Hahaha... It's not bought yet la... But we thought abt where to put the puzzles... Would need lots more of jigsaws to fill it up... And we guessed maybe not all disney ones will be good... I dunno, havent been checking things out in the jigsaw shops... So I dun mind some contributions... More undone jigsaws... Think can ask Ken to think abt wat jigsaws to get... Since he has been assigned the designer of the wall... Hahaha... I assigned... Wahahaha...

Ok... Hmmm.. Wat else I need... Nothing much at the moment... I so stressed now that I want more sleep... More rest but more money... Hahaha... I know that's impossible... I think the list a few blogs below still is the list of things i want... Plus this entry of more jigsaws... The other things??? Really cant think of any... Maybe really a plug in cut away guit? Then i can get the acoustic guit tt ken's using now? Instead of the classical one.... hahha... Just my dream... Hee...

I know there are many more celebrations to come... Looking forward to them, but got to finish up my work 1st.. Haiz... Dinner 1st la...

Will share abt what adel shared during prayer meet today, quite encouraging... Next time ba... But in case i forget, it's abt Evan Almighty show... The lesson learnt... And what I learnt too... Yeah... I wanna go mum mum now...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

More than a week le...

Ooops... Havent updated... Haiz, not my fault la... The office dun let us access blogs... So havent been reading blogs as well... This whole week I was back in office... Tiring wk man... Rushing my work like nobody's biz... But I survived another week... Capacity stretched by a little more... Quite a fruitful week la...

havent been eating well or sleeping well. Think need to work hard this weekend then can rest a bit. Been reaching home ard or after midnight... THink i reached home at 3plus last nite, managed to sleep 4 hrs plus before starting the day again... As I go through my day, I thank God for being with me, giving me the strength and grace to go through this.

I remember some time back when i was in a state of dilemma... Qing Yuan came to our cg n gave me a word... THat word has been sustaining me through all these times... And in the next one year... I know that I can do it. Although times are not going to be easy. But... God's grace is more than sufficient for me and He will not allow me to bear a load which I cannot take it. AS such... I know that I can make it...

Each day as I wake... I sigh... Haha... But at the end of the day, I will praise God, cos I know he has helped me to go through one more day... And after one year, I'll become stronger... Heh... I pray that I get new revelations to sustain me through the coming year... Quite fearful of the coming peak... Learning how to cope each day... Not easy, a challenging life... But it'll be a fulfilling coming year... Ken also not free, so good la... I wont feel bad nt keeping him company... I wonder what will happen after one year... But I figured... No point thinking abt it now... Hahaha...

I wonder what will happen on 26th... Think got to work leh... Dunnno Ken free or nt also.. Think he so busy til he wont have time to plan or go out with me... I think dun get my hopes up...

Friday, September 7, 2007

Food Hunt!!!

So full... Just came back from dinner with the engagement team... Chong Hong treated us... Marche at vivocity... Very full, we ordered lots of food and shared... Nice time chatting... Didnt join them for drinks... Didnt wanna go... Heh...

Tml gt the food hunt... So exciting... Will be a facilitator but will be going ard with a team as well... Dunno which team or where though... But i know that it's going to be fun... At Ken's place now... He needa use the comp le, so long...

Monday, September 3, 2007


I'll be on leave tml n wed... Cos the job got nothing to do le... So I'm free!!! But my dear not free... He everyday so busy... Me so sad... Sad...

Countdown... 23 days more...

On sat, Yan asked me if I was excited that the day is coming... No, not my wedding day... My bday... Well, seriously, am not very excited la... Quite tired and nt in the celebration mood... 24th bday... Not really looking forward to it...

Thot of my wish list... Let's see...

1. A small bible to fit into my bag
2. A small water bottle - 300/400ml one, to fit into my bag
3. A small umbrella, the one ken's mom gave spoil le, shhhhhh, dun tell her... :p
4. A new hp casing for my 6230i (red preferred), but think not for sale in mkt le...
5. Clothes - Ed hardy top for svc wear and Biz clothes for work...
6. A wallet... Mine still usable but the the wallet open mouth le...
7. Perfume - Dun want white musk, oceanus...
8. A plug-in cut-in guit, as requested by Ken? Hahaha...

Dun want bags... i think i got a lot... hmmmm... i think that's abt all... i'll cont to think and then update here lo...

Oh ya, dun go and disturb ken to ask him wat i want k? he very busy, dun stress him le...