Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Teachers' Day!!!

To all my dear teachers, thank you for teaching me... I am who I am because of you! All the times and efforts and heartaches which you had spent for me. I really appreciate them... On the day of teachers' day eve, just wanna wish every teacher a happy teachers' day...

Just past by several schools on the way to NUS, saw that there are teachers' day celebrations going on... But I'm not involved, cos I'm out of school already... Heh... So do go ard thanking your teachers if you still keep in touch with them! And also to those ppl who have taught u things... Do thank them as well, be a thankful person, be appreciative, be a grateful person...

Imagine you are a teacher and ur student comes up to you and thank you for teaching them. The inspiration you have been to them... At that moment in time, everything which you done for them seems all worth it... Ya? Sometimes a little encouragement is all that a teacher needs... And it's not too difficult to do it rite? Show ur appreciation today!!! NOW!!! Dun wait! U'll forget...

So... Happy Teachers' Day!!! Enjoy ur weekend...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I love this song...

Everytime i sing, I'll cry... This is so close, so close...
Can just connect with it...

God of my forever







Living a life guided by the Holy Spirit

Was just reading the scriptures today... Gal 5... So encouraged by it... God gave us grace and liberty to live a freed-up life. He wants us to be able to enjoy ourselves, not bounded by laws --> legalism... But on the other hand, He doesnt want us to live a sinful life cos of the liberty --> antinonianism. Our lives should still be a consecrated life, a life which will bring Him glory and honour.

So many ppl struggle to lead a balanced life, a life which glorifies His name. Why? Cos they are not living a life which is guided by the Holy Spirit...

Gal 5:
16 So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. 17 The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. 18 But when you are directed by the Spirit, you are not under obligation to the law of Moses.

When you live a life that's guided by the Holy Spirit, you will keep the law automatically as the Holy Spirit keeps the law. It'll not be a struggle, it's not difficult... If you just allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in all that you do! And this is not all!!!

Gal 5:
22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

These are the fruits of the Holy Spirit, which I yearn for so earnestly. These are fruits which show that one is spiritually matured... Not that I want these fruits to show off but these are what makes good character... What we should be working towards in our lives! It doesnt end here...

Gal 5:25 Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

As this chapter comes to an end, we ought to follow the Spirit's leading in all that we do... Make a decision today, that you will be obedient, that you will yield to what God is telling you, showing you and guiding you... Amen? :)


Hmmm.... Was given 2 rest days cos of the hard work which was put in... Then I got the news, got to submit planning to manager by 31st Aug, that's tml!!! For all my babies... Faints... Really faints... I felt like I just finished a battle... Worked til 6am and 5am then came back to office the next day at 1330 and 845? Then now can take a short break and the news comes...

Think i'll collapse if this goes on for the next few weeks... So yep, while my colleagues are enjoying their break, I got to clear out the things which are piling up... And I can see this continuing for the next whole month as I cont to be booked on the job which takes away my sleep... God, help me...

And on top of this, Ken's so busy too... We met at 9plus last nite for dinner at best, opp church, aft his tuition and aft my work... Then went back to koonz... He came to sch early to do his fyp... I met him to get his notes and went to attend the lecture on his behalf... Copied the notes, understand the lect... Then we went lunch and he went back to his lab... Later, i'll attend another lect... Then now doing my things while he does his fyp... Then he got tuition again later and i'll do my work... Is this considered rest?

Am a little sad... Looking at the work and things just cant seem to clear... like i just finished my budgetting, booking of staff... Then now the next thing is to do planning... THen the next thing is to start the interim, the fieldwork and then review, do the FS and the most irritating thing is that it's all running concurrently... There is more than one job on hand and everything seems to be piling up... Checking my email is so scary now, there'll be long lists of things to do for the various entities... From diff ppl and they are all waiting for u... So so so scary... I really wonder how I'll fare this year, sometimes feel like just bo chap... But I cant, cos even if i bo chap, it'll still be at the back of my head... I cant sleep well... And I'll get very very stressed up...

Need to learn new ways to cope with this man... trying year ahead... Wish I can just put everything now and go for a break... But... PLanning stuff due tml? Faints... LEngthen the hours, lengthen my time, lengthen the life of my batt as I work w/o power... Hahaha.... Bye....

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I survived!!!

Realised the previous post was a little long... Just copied and paste from an email, so no need to read if u're nt free... nothing of my thots added there... heh... wanted to create a test also... seems like a trend, but decided not to... too mind taxing to think of the questions... Hahaha... Anyway... Just wanted to share what happened in the past week... Wasnt the best week, wasnt the easiest week... But...

Yeah!!! I survived the week... Hahaha... Siong week, but at least I got to rest this weekend... Heh... Let's see... Hmmm... I shall go take my cab receipts... and see wat time i go hm everyday... Hmmmm.... Maybe not, too lazy to move... Heh... Hmmm, i think go take better, cant rem le... Hahaha....

Worked last sat too... then went for lillian's hse warming and then rested on Sun...

then on
mon - 20/8 - 2148-2215
tue - 21/8 - 0043-0111
wed - 22/8 - 0145-0206
thu - 23/8 - 0100-0123
fri - 24/8 - 0303-0317

That's the time on the cab fares for the past few days... Yep... and i reach home doesn't mean that i sleep straight aft that... there are some days which i cont working til morn... yep... on tues nite, i worked til 630 then slept til 1130 then worked then go office... thu also... i came back and did update for my nursery stuff til 3 then slept... So been working til late for the past week...

Then on tues, I broke down n cried during lunch... Was feelin so stressed and so tired... So haiz.... But God saw me thru the week la... Here I am, still alive...

Hahah... Weekend was a good break from all the work, not so relaxing but ok la, well rested... I slept almost 4 on sat morn, slept in til 1230 on sat then went to meet ken and then went his place... Then did jigsaw... Put in ard 10 pcs only... Well, better than nothing... Then went to his cousin house to fellowship... cos he came back for a while from the states, then flying off again tml... He studying his degree there, so we went to catch up with him and all the relatives met at his house, so i went also la...

Then wen home after that, reached home at 11 plus... Then slept, then woke up and went svc, then went to meet nursery ppl for high tea buffet cos for sally's belated bday... then after that went to bishan to pick up ken's bro's belated bday present... cos we ordered it last wk... I also went to get a present for sally... Yeah... Then went to kelvin's hse to wait for ken to come... then we went for dinner at botak jones' near his place then came home le... i didnt eat dinner cos was too full le... the high tea buffet was filling... And the cake was powerful... sinfully chocolate... Really sinful but nice man!!! Wahahaha...

Looking back... I've learnt to look at things on a lighter note, some things are not within my control... I'll do things up to the best of my capability... No matter wat injustice i may face, i know that my God sees all these things and He'll do something abt it... I'll cont to work hard and smart... Putting God 1st in all that I do... He will sustain me... The joy of the Lord is my strength... I have friends ard me who care abt me, who support me... i have a supportive fam... my mom will iron my clothes, my dad will come and fetch me if he is in the vicinty... i have a cg who loves the Lord and will not give more probs to the cgl and also his gf... Rite? Heh... I have a group of responsible and willing team ICs who make things happen... And I know that I have a God who is behind me, His grace is more than sufficient for me to go thru each day... He knows what i'm going thru and He has a greater plan for me. To understand greater truths; to increase my capacity thru all these things... Really blessed!!!

Was just on the way home on the cab on sat morn-3plus... Looking out of the cab window as it goes pass the west coast area and then on the AYE... The sky was a red, black sky, quite clear... There was clouds above water surfaces, like the sea and the Pandan reservoir... White clouds... The contrast... The serenity... The lights... The HDBs... God is an awesome God! Look at His creations... They are so amazing... He lets me rest in His presence... I felt so blessed that day... Although I was physically tired, but I felt that God was just beside me in the cab, telling me that He gives peace to all... That I could just trust Him and lean on Him for the coming week... He's always there for me... Nvr left me... Wow!!! :)

Even today during worship... The song... It really touches my heart when I sing it... Just to hear you say 'well done' this line is the line which really motivates me... I know that what i do everyday is not to please anyone... But just Him and Him alone... ANd I dun expect to be rewarded... I just waiting to hear that from Him... Only Him... It'll make all things worth it... A life for Him... :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Men, Make God's Dreams for Your Life Come True

It's natural to want to be and do something great, since God has wired you to pursue a significant life. Those dreams stirring in your soul can come true if you embrace God's plans with passion.

Here's how you can make God's dreams for your life come true:

Ask God to help you see clearly. Don't let your own agenda or other people's expectations cloud your vision of what God wants your life to be like. Instead, choose to let God decide what's best for you, since He – your Creator – knows you better than you know yourself. Realize that God's ultimate dream for you is to become more like Jesus. Understand that God wants to use your current reality (not the fantasy of how you wish your life would be) to move you toward His dreams for you. Expect Him to use your struggles to accomplish good purposes. Rather than running from reality, let God bring glory through it. Exchange your own limited vision for God's unlimited, much more powerful vision. Instead of fighting God's process of making His ultimate dream for you come true – transforming you more into Jesus' image – accept the discomfort, conflict, loss, and pain involved. Trust that going through anything God deems necessary is worth it, because He is accomplishing good purposes in your life that can't be accomplished any other way. Constantly stretch the borders of your growth by praying regularly for God to continue changing you. Surrender every area of your life to God and eagerly anticipate how He will help you grow as a result.

Pay attention to what you're leaking. Realize that your character qualities leak out into the lives of the people around you – for better or for worse. Strive to leak less sin and selfishness that stinks and leak more holiness instead. Know that God wants you to be visibly identified with Jesus in a way that brings Him glory, pouring out hope into the lives of people with whom you interact. Be faithful to God's call to represent Jesus, even when others reject the Gospel. Be available for God to use you in any situation, and depend on the Holy Spirit to help you live out your faith with integrity. Study Jesus' life to imitate how He interacts with people. Invite God to refine every part of your character, holding nothing back from His work in your life.

Be humble. Know that God has declared that you are important to Him, and He has approved your mission, so you're free to be humble. Understand that you have nothing to prove. Ask God to help you be content with yourself, to desire recognition only from Him, to trust Him with your station in life, to refrain from threatening others, to be at ease with the weak, to be easy for people to embrace, to not feel any need to get credit from others, and to refrain from competition with others. Strive for influence without ego. In conflict, choose reconciliation instead of retaliation. Pass up power for yourself in order to increase God's influence. Submit to God's plans versus presuming them. Freely notice others. Empty yourself instead of holding onto a sense of self-entitlement. Be willing to humbly obey God's purposes. Wait for God to honor your efforts in His time rather than trying to force results yourself. Be willing to exchange: comfort for discomfort, flattery for faithfulness, status for service, harshness for graciousness, titles for treasures in heaven, and safety for suffering. Don't forget how important God and other people are, and keep your sense of your own importance in perspective. Learn all you can from Jesus. Focus on Him more than on yourself. Reach out to others in service as God leads you, humbly sharing God's love.

Serve others. Instead of seeking to have others serve you, seek to serve them. Realize that power and prestige aren't what make you a truly great man; what distinguishes you is your willingness to serve. Remember that when Jesus came to Earth, he didn't choose to be served, but to serve. Ask God to help you reach out beyond your family and friends to strangers who are different from you and even make you uncomfortable. Don't place any borders around the scope of your service; be open to following God's leading anywhere. Every day, try to make decisions that help you serve others rather than just yourself.

Make sacrifices. Be willing to give up whatever you need to in order to become more like Jesus. Understand that if you're willing to sacrifice now for God, you'll experience the joy of your reward later. Expect that God will honor your faithfulness in His time and in His way. Know that every one of these sacrifices you make for God is an opportunity to bring Him glory: an attitude, a behavior, a response, a comfort, a right to strike back, a feeling, an impulse, a chance to control, a grab for power, a portion of your time, a pattern of your old life, a financial bonus, a freedom, a way of doing something, or a golden opportunity. Trust that God's glory is more important than anything you give up for Him.

Don't run from suffering. Recognize that suffering can build your character in powerful ways, and that God often uses the suffering you go through to accomplish good purposes in your life. When suffering comes your way, accept it and ask God to help you endure it for the cause of something greater than yourself. Pursue Christlikeness over comfort. Ask yourself honestly how much you're willing to endure for Jesus in your times of pain, or whether you tend to seek your own safety. Trust in God's ultimate control of all that He allows to happen to you, and know that through your suffering, you will grow as a person and become united to Jesus.

Discover and do God's will. Know that it's crucial to find out God's will and commit to following it when making decisions. Let God's unconditional love for you, give you the confidence you need to be free of worrying about other people's acceptance or approval. Ask God to give you the courage you need to pursue God's priorities for your life with great focus. Cooperate with God to fulfill His purposes in your life. Pray each day for the ability to do less of your own will and more of God's will for you.

Experience the joy of being God's child. Embrace the special connection you have to your heavenly Father as His beloved child. Be assured that, through Jesus, God has adopted you into His family and anointed your special relationship with Him. Regularly seek a special revelation from God concerning your life. Be authentic with Him, knowing that you can't hide anything from Him, and that He loves you completely, scabs and all. Share private conversations with God through prayer every day. Rather than seeking validation from other people, live to please God alone and don't worry about other people's opinions. Learn to trust your heavenly Father intuitively and implicitly.

Be compassionate. Understand that God wants you to be strong and secure in Him so the compassion of Jesus could flow freely through your life to those who need your touch. Acknowledge the reality of the situations around you and work with it instead of running away from it. Be willing to be undignified in order to meet the needs of others. Don't give into apathy when you encounter other people's pain. Instead, respond right away to urgent situations. Allow yourself to see, feel, and act like Jesus in the face of pain instead of dismissing needs. Ask God to help you become tender and fearless when confronted with pain.

Dig down deep. Don't settle for superficial relationships. Instead, learn how to discern people's deepest emotions and concerns, and respond to them. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know what lies inside the heart of each person with whom you're relating – hurts, fears, insecurities, sin, mixed motives, lust, wounds, abandonment, shame, pride, loss, anger, etc. Ask people thoughtful, caring questions to help reveal the issues behind their thoughts, words, and behaviors. Learn how to recognize the differences between appearances and reality, public images and private struggles, anger and hurt, pride and fear, good and bad intentions, right and wrong agendas, and healthy and unhealthy spiritual patterns. Pray regularly for the ability to see yourself and other people more clearly.

Express God's grace. Know that while you may hate sin, Jesus calls you to love sinners – just as He does. Pray for the courage you need to affirm people apart from their sin. Remember that Jesus died for every person; ask Him to help you see each person you encounter as someone He loves and wants to help. Let your gratitude for how much grace God has given you motivate you to express grace to others, even when you disagree with their attitudes or behaviors. Ask God to help you overcome pride and engage other people without walls, giving grace to them as freely as you have received it yourself.

Embrace reality. Avoid fantasies that deceive you and accept reality as it is – not as you would like it to be. Be committed to the truth, even when it hurts. Invite Jesus to shine His light over the dark places in your life – morally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually – and expose what you need to deal with so you can grow into the person He wants you to become. Let truth guide your actions. Speak the truth. Encourage others to face the truth. Accept responsibility and evaluate your own shortcomings. Seek constructive feedback from others and embrace consequences. Acknowledge and deal with negative emotions instead of swallowing them. Make the hard and better call in situations early. Grieve losses and hurts rather than hiding from them. Don't blame others to cover for your mistakes. Don't seek affirmation to compensate for insecurity. Speak up with others, to them, and for them when the Holy Spirit leads you to do so. Pray for the ability to seek life as it really is and to trust God for how it will be.

Fight evil. Pray for the courage and strength you need to fight spiritual battles. Remember that you can count on the Holy Spirit to help you overcome evil with good. Be filled with the Holy Spirit and memorize the truths of Scripture so you'll be prepared to quickly and effectively resist Satan's attempts to tempt, distract, or destroy you. Have the confidence that God will help you win every time to engage in battle. Realize your place as God's beloved child. Respect Satan's tactics and power to influence lives. Revere truth so you can spot twisted manipulations of it. Respond decisively when you encounter evil. Rely on the Holy Spirit for spiritual insight. Rest in grace. Make choices for good over evil every day, such as by forgiving someone who has hurt you instead of attacking him or her, saying no to unhealthy appetites rather than feeding them, and encouraging people instead of criticizing them.

Say "no" to temptation in order to say "yes" to God. Realize that your time here on Earth is just a temporary layover on your way to your final destination – heaven. Keep heaven in mind when you make decisions every day, doing your best to live in a way that pleases God and will give you no regrets when you meet Him face to face one day. Rely on the Holy Spirit's help to flee whatever temptation you encounter.

Finish well. Let your exceptional destiny drive you to continue to live faithfully until the end. Ask God to help you stay committed to serving Him in all aspects of your life. Know that discipline in your commitment to living out God's dream of Christlikeness will far outweigh the regret of getting to the end of your life and wishing you had. Ask God to remind you of your personal mission, help you be consistent with your spiritual disciplines, keep learning, manage your time well, and live to please God instead of other people.

Adapted from Dream: How to Act on Your Passion, Discover Your Plan & Achieve God's Purpose , copyright 2007 by Kenny Luck. Published by WaterBrook Press, a division of Random House, Inc., Colorado Springs, Co., .
Kenny Luck is the Men's Pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California . He is also the founder and president of Every Man Ministries, which helps churches worldwide develop and grow healthy men's communities. Kenny is an ECPA Platinum Award-winning author, who has written or coauthored 17 books. He is a graduate of UCLA, where he met his wife Chrissy. They have three children – Cara, Ryan and Jenna – and live in Trabuco Canyon , California . He plays in a men's soccer league, mountain bikes and loves flag football on Thanksgiving mornings.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

I feel so bad...

Saturday is usually the day when I spend time with my dear alone... At least in the morn... But got to work today... Sad... Quite stretched tis few weeks... This coming week especially... Need to finish 2 jobs at the same time... Booked on Job A so means that i'll leave client's abt 11pm then go home... rest a bit then start on Job B... Sleep at 2,3 am then come to work by 9 in the morn the next day and even on a sat, think got to work a full day today too...

But I guess we got to learn to be more independent... So difficult... We really grew up together... Now it's so hard... But he needs to study too... And I need to finish up my work... Haiz... Need to learn to strike a balance... We're learning as we grow... Learning nvr stops...

One thing I learnt is to be thankful... This is really a virute to have... Thanksgiving... Not only to God but for the things ard us, the ppl ard us... Learn to be more appreciative. Ppl will like to work for and with you... Dun believe? Try it out... Help somebody in their work and when they thank you for it, you feel that it's all worth it... In another case, one who has received help just leaves without saying thank you... See if you'll be as willing to help him again... Hahaha...

So just say Thank You... Just 2 syllabus... Is it that difficult??? Hmmmmm...


Feeling so stretched now... Book on Job A and need to finish Job B as well... Next mon Job A need to announce the results, the manager for Job B wanna review the file this coming wed... Everyday working on Job A til 11 plus... Then go home and rest a while then start Job B so that I can meet the dateline...

Working now... On a sat morning... Woke up early... Depsite working til late last nite... Tired... My body is protesting le... Yawn... Can feel the lactic acid building up...

Nvm, let me go and eat macs Big Breakfast to replenish my energy...

Friday, August 17, 2007

So sweet...

My dear has been so sweet... Been travelling down to meet me for lunch... So out of the way but cos I've been so busy lately... We got to steal time for each other...

Having lots of things to do for these few weeks... So stressed. 24 hours really not enough... Last nite while dear was sending me back home after dinner aft the zone meetin, i was doing work in the car back... Yes, typing on my laptop in the car.

Thank God I managed to finish that small task before I reached home last nite. One thing down... But got to work on weekend to finish up the work... So tired... My mind is so tired, so stressed. So many things to do and think how to manage my time that i dun really rest well at nite. Haiz... But thank God that I still managed to go for zone meeting last nite. It's really God's grace...

I know that God is sustaining me... It's not easy but I know that through these, my faith will increase, my walk with God will strengthen as I draw nearer to Him... As I lean totally on Him... This is the time where my strength really fail me... I struggled so much to get out of my warm cosy bed this morn... It was raining... Not just raining... It was pouring... I had to crucify my flesh... Hahaha... Back to work...

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Word of God...

Last weekend was FOP... I went for 2 nites... Fri and Sun... They gave a magazine and a daily bread booklet... I was just reading 2 of the messages which talk abt the word of God. I was just so inspired by the messages. It just reminded me how much we really need the Word of God in our lives to help us through each day. And we should meditate on the verses, the promises which the Father has given to us.

It is so sad to see Christians who do not know what the word says. How can one claim that he is a Christian if he dun even bother to read His word except during CGM and Svc. How can a person call himself a Christian when he cant even remember what the bible says? It saddens me when I see ppl not willing to memorise the word or seem to be in so much pain trying to memorise 1 or 2 verses that will be tested in by the scripture memory team...

Are we too privileged that we've taken things for granted? Need a verse, didnt bring bible out, just find a comp and search via the online bible. Why dun you stop for a second and think abt the ppl in China? Ppl in places where Bibles are such rare thing... A treasure... If you're ignorant abt this thing, you got to read!!! Read more books... Heavenly man, the story of allen yuan, iron man... These ppl they memorise the bible... Not forced, but out of a willing heart!

They memorise bibles so that they can pass on their bibles... Cos they already have the word inside them... They are selfless ppl, they want more ppl to know the word, to read the word, so they memorise it... Friends, do spend some time to really thank God that in this place where we live in, access to Bibles is so ready... And the next time you memorise a verse, do try to store it in ur long term memory... This will really help during the end times, in the days of the Great Tribulation... Now is the time to prepare and equip ourselves... :)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

My Wish List Cont'

Was walking ard in Suntec... Then saw water-bottle... Ya, I need a new water-bottle.. Quite open to any water bottle, but muz be small one, but not too small... Wahahaha... Think abt 400ml will be good... And muz be compact one... I wanna put into my snr looking bag... Whahahaa....

It's already August... So scary... This year seems to fly man... The workload also seem daunting... Sometimes feel like just siaming and act blur but I know this wont work... Hahaha... Just dreaming...

Just came back from movie with Shaun n Bruce... Disturbia... Ok show... Nice ending... Hahahah... Watched simpsons also... That show nicer... Hee...

Gtg, talking to Ken le...

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Bday wishes...

Hmmmm... What things I want?

Need a new hp cover... I like my phone, so wanna just change the cover, dun want pirated one hor.. But the nokia shop dun sell this model leh, the one i went la... great world one... So want a new hp cover, if can choose col, red would be good... Dark red, not bright red hor... Hahahah... So ma fan...

Then need perfume, the miracle I got from Kel n er finishing le... Dun really like 'happy' but ok la, still can use la... Havent been shopping ard, so also dunno wat scent I like... Not too fruity or too sweet. Too sweet very malay... Hahaha... Like miracle, but Ken says the scent too old le... As in out in the market for too long le, shld get new scent... Well...

Would want a lesportsac bag... Those cute one, not the flower kind one... But it's very ex and not worth the price la... So not willing to spurge on this one la... And I just bought a new bag... Heh... Ya, my snr looking bag.... Heh...

Oh ya... I know wat I want... A small bible so that I can put into my snr looking bag... cos the one i using now too small to put my current bible... So when I go cg on fri, I cant bring my snr looking handbag... So wanna get a small bible that can fit into my handbag... Heh...

Then need clothes and shoes and bags... This one is forever on the wish list one... Every ladies' wishlist... Cos there's never enough... Heh... Agree rite? I see a lot of ppl nodding... Wahahaaha...

I'll continue to think abt wat else I need... I need a house, a car (a driving licence 1st), a all-paid-for honeymoon and of course a wedding... Hahaha... Husband no need ur help, I got one good choice le... Wahahaha... I'll cont to brainstorm... You can help me too... Remind me of things I told u I want in the past... But maybe now no need le... Hahaha... Just post them up and we can start a little discussion la... Hahaha...

FOP coming up...

This weekend, we'll be heading down to FOP at indoor on fri to sun, every evening at 730. Do come n join us if u're free... Delirious? and Don Moen will be leading the praise and worship... Pst Phil will be preaching in all the services!!! I just love him... He's so witty and wise. Love his words of wisdom... Never fail to challenge and encourage me!!! Have almost all his books also... Going to buy one more this weekend... Muz set reminder in my hp... See u there!!! :)

Too busy for a friend???

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names of the other students in the room on two sheets of paper, leaving a space between each name.

Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates and write it down.

It took the remainder of the class period to finish their assignment, and as the students left the room, each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what everyone else had said about that

On Monday she gave each student his or her list. Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?" she heard whispered. "I never knew that I meant anything to anyone!" and, "I didn't know others liked me so much," were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She never knew if they discussed them after class or with their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with themselves and one another. That group of students moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in VietNam and his teacher attended the funeral of that special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so mature.

The church was packed with his friends. One by one those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin. The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin.

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as pallbearer came up to her. "Were you Mark's math teacher?" he asked. She nodded: "yes." Then he said: "Mark talked about you a lot."

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father were there, obviously waiting to speak with his teacher.

"We want to show you something," his father said, taking a wallet out of his pocket "They found this on Mark when he was killed. We thought you might recognize it."

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher knew without looking that the papers were the ones on which she had listed all the good things each of Mark's classmates had said about him.

"Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother said. "As you can see, Mark treasured it."

All of Mark's former classmates started to gather around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk at home."

Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our wedding album."

"I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary"

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn and frazzled list to the group. "I carry this with me at all times," Vicki said and without batting an eyelash, she continued: "I think we all saved our lists"

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried. She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would never see him again.

The density of people in society is so thick that we forget that life will end one day. And we don't know when that one day will be.

So please, tell the people you love and care for, that they are special and important. Tell them, before it is too late.

And One Way To Accomplish This Is: Forward this message on. If you do not send it, you will have, once again passed up the wonderful opportunity to do something nice and beautiful.

If you've received this, it is because someone cares for you and it means there is probably at least someone for whom you care.

If you're "too busy" to take those few minutes right now to forward this message on, would this be the VERY first time you didn't do that little thing that would make a difference in your relationships?

The more people that you send this to, the better you'll be at reaching out to those you care about.

Remember, you reap what you sow. What you put into the lives of others comes back into your own.

May Your Day Be As special as You are special to me...!!!

Love you all....

Received this from Aunty Shirley... Remember that you're special to the ppl ard you... If you wanna me do a list for me, just come to me ya? :) I wont be too busy for a friend... But just give me some time kk?