Hmmm.... Was given 2 rest days cos of the hard work which was put in... Then I got the news, got to submit planning to manager by 31st Aug, that's tml!!! For all my babies... Faints... Really faints... I felt like I just finished a battle... Worked til 6am and 5am then came back to office the next day at 1330 and 845? Then now can take a short break and the news comes...
Think i'll collapse if this goes on for the next few weeks... So yep, while my colleagues are enjoying their break, I got to clear out the things which are piling up... And I can see this continuing for the next whole month as I cont to be booked on the job which takes away my sleep... God, help me...
And on top of this, Ken's so busy too... We met at 9plus last nite for dinner at best, opp church, aft his tuition and aft my work... Then went back to koonz... He came to sch early to do his fyp... I met him to get his notes and went to attend the lecture on his behalf... Copied the notes, understand the lect... Then we went lunch and he went back to his lab... Later, i'll attend another lect... Then now doing my things while he does his fyp... Then he got tuition again later and i'll do my work... Is this considered rest?
Am a little sad... Looking at the work and things just cant seem to clear... like i just finished my budgetting, booking of staff... Then now the next thing is to do planning... THen the next thing is to start the interim, the fieldwork and then review, do the FS and the most irritating thing is that it's all running concurrently... There is more than one job on hand and everything seems to be piling up... Checking my email is so scary now, there'll be long lists of things to do for the various entities... From diff ppl and they are all waiting for u... So so so scary... I really wonder how I'll fare this year, sometimes feel like just bo chap... But I cant, cos even if i bo chap, it'll still be at the back of my head... I cant sleep well... And I'll get very very stressed up...
Need to learn new ways to cope with this man... trying year ahead... Wish I can just put everything now and go for a break... But... PLanning stuff due tml? Faints... LEngthen the hours, lengthen my time, lengthen the life of my batt as I work w/o power... Hahaha.... Bye....